- The price, term, billing and other terms applicable to your ad are as set forth in the purchase order executed separately. The purchase order forms an integral part of these Terms and Conditions.
- Payments are currently only accepted via Paypal.
- Other forms of payment will be considered on a case-by-case basis, and may include handling fees.
- All prices are stated in U.S. Dollars ($), however PayPal does support other currencies (see paypal.com for details).
- Except where explicitly agreed upon otherwise, all payments will be billed recurring monthly at the rate agreed upon at the time of sale and on (or approximately on) the same day of the month as the first payment.
- We reserve the right to reject any sale out of hand without explanation, with full immediate reimbursement.
- Payments are non-refundable.
- You can cancel your recurring payment at anytime. The previously billed campaign will remain in effect until completed.
- Significant changes to an ad's url destination may only be executed with our written (email/fax/etc.) consent. Any changes to a url destination deemed harmful to us and executed without such consent may result in the immediate takedown of the ad and you will be liable for any damages incurred. Examples include but are not limited to: redirecting the url to a different domain than the one communicated at the time of sale, materially changing the content at the url destination, etc.
- We otherwise reserve the right to take down any ad at any time without justification, in which case we will give one-week notice and refund the pro rata portion of your payment for the current billing cycle.
- There are no guarantees of ad performance or improvement in search engine placements.
- Ad placements may not be resold to any other buyer than the one communicated at the time of purchase.
- These terms and conditions may be amended at any time and you will be notified promptly of the changes.
- Share Select Media’s Terms of Use and Privacy Policy apply to these terms.